Dreamt I had a party at my place, and there was this woman I liked there. She was cute, dark shoulder length hair. Can't remember her name. She was a physical therapist.
Anyway, the party part was nice. Then I drove them all home (I think I drove them all there, or was in the car with them).
Then it got weird. She was still in it, but it became something like an episode of Charmed or Night Rider. I also got competition. She didn't quite dump me, but she flirted with someone else. She often was in this shop in a mall, so I would go there to look for her. (at least 2-3 times).
But, this is where it became TV show like, she went to rescue this kid, along with 3 women who had witch like powers (like Charmed). I went after ehr. Anyway, we did rescue teh kid, but at the end of this, dozens of dozens of er, fat women appeared too. They were all members of a super-hero ish team, with a spandex uniform and the name of the team on it. First it was just one team, called "Besi", but there were and more, larger and larger. The last one was called "BABS". I then woke up.
Also, somewhere after the party, I was at home (which was better than my real home, but still something of a dump), and got a phone call on my cel phone. Apparently it was the UPS Guy with 2 packages, things i had apparently bought on ebay. 1 was a collection of PC games, which turned out to have been damaged and was just junk. (The other was a book).